Mama, da ne bi vise bila sludjena, da ne bi vise nikada razmisljala o bolestima, da ne bi vise nikada brinula o zdravlju dece i sta ces im dati da jedu, pregledaj malo ove linkove koje cu ti poslati. Stize nam ne gladna godina, vec gladna DECENIJA. Kriza. Bacaj kuvare, bezi sto dalje od supermarketa i banaka, bacaj serpe i lonce, doslo je vreme da ustedis novce!
Deca najvise treba da muljaju svezu hranu, nekuvanu.
Evo ti linkova pa pregledaj i razmisli! Nema pranja sudja, nema lekara, nema balave dece, neka prenemaganja i izbiranja, nema straha od bolesti... i jos mnogo toga.
Za mame nudim besplatan prevod, samo mi se javite na PP. Najozbiljnije.
Imagine Raising Children Without Stuffy Noses, Allergies, Crankiness and Constipation! Give Your Children The Very Best Start On Life With These Easy, Raw Food Recipes for Toddlers!
Nemojte slucajno kupovati ove knjige sto se reklamiraju! Pa Srbi to znaju vec vekovima!!! Ameri nemaju svoju tradiciju pa izmisljaju mlaku vodu, nesto sto nasa tradicija cuva vec vekovima, a sto mi preziremo jer je nase, nije tudje. Da je tudje otimali bismo se. Nisu Ameri izmislili svezu i zdravu hranu. Nemaju oni pojma sta je pravi post. Kod nas se danas prodaje samo onaj deo tradicije koji je komercijalan, a ostalo se zataskava i unistava. Nema vise kuvanja i raskuvavanja!
Nisam sve stigao da pregledam ali ima stvarno zanimljivih clanaka. Nema vise brige sta ces da kuvas. Prva, druga, treca godina, cetvrta... sve je lakse i lakse. Na kraju ne moras kod doktora skoro nikad u zivotu. I sta ce onda oni da rade? Ko ce onda da nam kuva? ... nancy.html
Gabriel Cousens stresses the importance of organic compared to conventional food.The main cause of death and disease among children under 15 is cancer. Gabriel believes this is largely due to the many pesticides and herbicides - with their carcinogens - in processed and conventional grown food.
The advantages of organic food is highest for babies. The average baby is born with 200 toxins and carcinogens in its body. By the time kids reach their 2nd year, most have pasted the lethal limit for the toxins. By feeding your child organic food, it will have about 1/6th the amount of carcinogens in its body. Thus you will decrease the chances of illnesses significantly.
Kids have way too many sweets and chemicals. Their mental states are very agitated. By now the sweets have pesticides and herbicides.
Some research suggests that 50% of the hyperactivity would be reduced, if they had organic food. Put them on an organic diet and a low sugar diet and look at certain allergies, that may also cause nervous system or cerebral allergies. Hundreds of studies at schools and prisons whereby processed food was replaced by fresh produce proofed that most of the hyperactivity is diminished.
Therefore, especially for infants and children a raw organic food diet is incredibly important. ... r_embedded
How to Prevent Obesity in Kids
One out of three children in the US is overweight and other countries are following rapidly. These children have the same risk of disease as overweight adults, but at a much younger rate. Juvenile diabetes, cancer, allergies to name a few. The World Health Organization has estimated that - for the first time in history - children born today will not live as long as their parents.
If your kids eat raw food, they will not be overweight. You, as parents, can protect them from horrible diseases. Your choice: pizza, candy, and cancer OR raw ice creams, smoothies, fruits, raw chocolate cake and health. The video below shows that the parents' fear that the kids will miserable if they cannot eat french fries and hamburgers is not grounded.
Raw vegan kid Blake (10), son of Brian and Anna Maria Clement of the Hippocrates Health Institute, goes to a normal private school in Florida. He's a hero and leader in his class. Other kids want to eat as he does, being raw and vegan is cool. Tom (11) was features in the Dutch documentary "RAUW". Julan is a good friend of Tom.
Raw Food Europe interviewed these three energetic boys. Here you can see the raw food world through their eyes. ... r_embedded
Living Foods for Raw Kids!
Ko je izmislio zivu hranu? Ko je izmislio sveze i sirovo? Ko je izmislio decu sa ugradjenim resoima i rernama i solundarima?
David Wolfe was asked: Is a raw food diet safe and beneficial for children? Older adults?
He answered: "Yes. A carefully chosen raw-food diet containing organic fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts, seeds, superfoods, and herbs with appropriate supplements works beautifully for both children and older adults.
"A more specific question is: Is a Standard American Diet (SAD) safe and beneficial for children? Or older adults?
"98.5% of the U.S. population has teeth problems. Most of these are due to demineralization (poor nutrition) and too much sugar (poor nutrition).
"50% of the US population dies of heart disease which is caused by poor diet and is thus preventable and even reversible with proper diet as tens of thousands of cases have shown.
"Experts are predicting that 100% of the male population will develop prostate cancer if they live long enough! I have counseled dozens of men who have completely reversed prostate cancer and high PSA counts with raw-food nutrition, fresh juices, and herbs.
"In the next 10 years, cancer will surpass heart disease as the number one killer in the United States. We know that the best way to prevent cancer is to limit our exposure to carcinogens. The number one way of exposing ourselves to carcinogens is through cooked commercial food. Raw plant food actually contains anti-carcinogenic nutrients."
View for full article.
Articles & Audio:
Start Growing Healthy Children Before Getting Pregnant
Explaining the Health Benefits of a Raw Diet to Children
Kid's Favorite Breakfasts
Home Birthing & Raw Foods with Elchanan & Friends
Raw Books:
Raw Kids: Transitioning Children to a Raw Food Diet
Eating Without Heating, Favorite Recipes From Teens Who Love Raw Food. Authors: Boutenko, Sergei & Valya
Baby Greens: A Live-Food Approach for Children of All Ages
by Michaela Lynn and Michael Chrisemer
Conscious Eating, by Gabriel Cousens (contains a chapter on nutrition for pregnancy)
Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine, by Gabriel Cousens (contains a chapter on live~food babies and children.
Links to Raw Families: - The Boutenko family has been raws for 12 years. - Storm and Jinjee are raising 4 healthy children - Hygeia Halfmoon & her son.
Zapamti jos jednom da nisu oni izmislili svezu hranu. Svi mi imamo i oci i usi i mozak i lepsu i zdraviju prirodu nego oni... Samo sto mi ne znamo da cenimo svoje. Mi se odricemo prirodnog, svezeg, zdravog, prostog,logicnog, a posezemo za njihovim lepo upakovanim i dobro izreklamiranim proizvodima.
Nije to sve, al za pocetak dovoljno.