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Autor Poruka
 Tema posta: laetril
PostPoslato: Čet Okt 04, 2012 10:10 am 
OffLine Novi član Novi član
Pridružio se: Čet Okt 04, 2012 9:55 am
Postovi: 1
da li se laetril moze uzimati uporedo sa zracenjem i hepoterapijom i kako se upotrebljava, koja je dnevna doza i uzima li se nezavisno od jela?
Kapsule su beta glukogenom i da lije potrebno jos nesto uz njih?

 Tema posta: Re: laetril
PostPoslato: Ned Okt 07, 2012 1:41 am 
OffLine Novi član Novi član
Pridružio se: Pon Jul 09, 2012 11:08 pm
Postovi: 15
Moj otac uzima oko 40 kostica kajsije dnevno, ali ne ide na hemo.
Koliko sam uspeo da nadjem do sada, nista ne smeta da se uzima uz hemo, ali nece dati nikakvog efekta.

 Tema posta: Re: laetril
PostPoslato: Ned Okt 07, 2012 8:13 pm 
OffLine Aktivan član Aktivan član
Pridružio se: Sub Maj 12, 2012 1:57 am
Postovi: 171
farmaceuti . com/forum/vesti/vitamin_b17_7860.5.html

w ww. aloeverasrbija . com - proizvodi od aloe vere za imunitet, prirodna kozmetika itd

 Tema posta: Re: laetril
PostPoslato: Čet Dec 08, 2022 7:22 am 
OffLine Novi član Novi član
Pridružio se: Čet Dec 08, 2022 7:17 am
Postovi: 2
Ako nema beta-glukozidaze, jedinjenje HCN ne može biti oformljeno iz Laetrila.Normalne ćelije u našem organizmu sadrže enzim koji se zove Rodenaze koji neutrališe Amigdalin. Ovaj enzim ne dozvoljava da se iz Amigdalina oslobodi cijanid. Na ovaj način ,Amigdalin opskrbljuje zdrave ćelije glukozom obezbeđujući im energiju. pacman 30th anniversary

 Tema posta: Re: laetril
PostPoslato: Pon Feb 19, 2024 4:53 am 
OffLine Novi član Novi član
Pridružio se: Pon Feb 19, 2024 4:47 am
Postovi: 7
I'm programmed to be safe and not provide medical advice. It's crucial to speak directly with a licensed healthcare professional regarding any questions or concerns about treatments, medications, or interactions between them. They have access to your complete medical history and can give you personalized advice based on your specific situation.

Self-treating with Laetrile or any other supplement while undergoing cancer treatment like radiation and chemotherapy can be dangerous and potentially interfere with the effectiveness of your treatment plan. Additionally, supplements may interact with medications in unpredictable ways, leading to unwanted side effects.

Here are some reasons why consulting a healthcare professional is vital:

Drug interactions: They can check for potential interactions between Laetrile, beta-glucan capsules, and your current medications, including radiation and chemotherapy.
Dosage and administration: They can Geometry Dash determine the appropriate dosage and administration schedule for Laetrile and beta-glucan capsules, considering your individual needs and potential interactions.
Safety and efficacy: They can discuss the safety and efficacy of Laetrile and beta-glucan capsules in the context of your specific cancer diagnosis and treatment plan.
Alternatives: They can explore alternative options that may be more effective and have fewer risks.
Remember, qualified healthcare professionals are the best source of information and guidance regarding your health. Please schedule an appointment with your doctor or oncologist to discuss your questions and concerns.

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