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 Tema posta: 10 godina hormonske terapije
PostPoslato: Uto Avg 10, 2010 9:25 am 
OffLine Novi član Novi član
Pridružio se: Uto Avg 10, 2010 9:06 am
Postovi: 5
Pozdrav svima.

Ja sam novi clan koji vec jako dugo trazi odgovore na neka pitanja.
Nadam se maloj pomoci od vas i hvala vam unapred.
Naime, ja vec zadnjih deset godina (a sada mi je 28 ljeta) pijem hormonske tablete tipa Cycloproginova, Trisequens itd.
a sve iz razloga jer su mi negdje u 4. razredu srednje skole izvadili jajnike.

Udata sam i planiram negdje sljedece godine da pokusam imati bebu sa svojim suprugom.

Zna li ko kako idu pripreme za vjestacku oplodnju i koje su opasnosti od dugog koriscenja hormonskih tableta?

Hvala vam.

 Tema posta: Re: 10 godina hormonske terapije
PostPoslato: Uto Avg 10, 2010 1:29 pm 
Korisnikov avatar OffLine Stalni član Stalni član
Pridružio se: Uto Mar 25, 2008 2:32 pm
Postovi: 6556
Lokacija: Planeta Zemlja
To znachi da nemate oba jajnika ili samo jedan?

Zdravlje je stanje potpunog telesnog (fizičkog), duševnog (psihičkog) i socijalnog blagostanja, a ne samo odsustvo bolesti i iznemoglosti.

 Tema posta: Re: 10 godina hormonske terapije
PostPoslato: Uto Avg 10, 2010 2:11 pm 
OffLine Novi član Novi član
Pridružio se: Uto Avg 10, 2010 9:06 am
Postovi: 5
Oba jajnika su mi odstranjena.
To znaci da ce mi sestra dati jajnu celiju kad mi bude trebala... :wink:

 Tema posta: Re: 10 godina hormonske terapije
PostPoslato: Uto Avg 10, 2010 3:44 pm 
OffLine Stalni član Stalni član
Pridružio se: Sre Mar 14, 2007 8:46 pm
Postovi: 1001
Generalno, hormonska terapija nije opasna, ako je prepise i nadzire lekar i ako se koristi kako treba (ima nuspojava, naravno, ali to je individualno). Ali tvoje pitanje je mnogo kompleksnije jer se namece pitanje zasto su ti izvadjeni jajnici tako rano i to mozda utice i na odgovor kako ce ici oplodnja i sve ostalo. U svakom slucaju bi trebalo da se informises kod lekara koji su spacijalisti za oblast plodnosti i onda pratiti njihov savet. Tvoj slucaj je redak, tako da ne verujem da ce puno ljudi sa foruma imati slicno iskustvo. Puno srece!

P.S. Interesuje me, kakav je zakonski okvir sto se tice donacije jajne celije? Kako je to kod nas uredjeno?

 Tema posta: Re: 10 godina hormonske terapije
PostPoslato: Sre Avg 11, 2010 9:39 am 
OffLine Novi član Novi član
Pridružio se: Uto Avg 10, 2010 9:06 am
Postovi: 5
Ja cak vjerujem da nas zakon to i ne dozvoljava, ali ocigledno da je to moguce... onako, na crno.
Tako je bar sa zakonom u MNE, rece mi jedna doktorica.
Sto se tice price kako i zasto su mi odstranili jajnike, ona je duga i jos ne preboljena. Ne bih o tome.

Ali kada je u pitanju hormonska terapija na duze vreme, mogu reci da opasnosti ipak postoje.
Konkretno to su bolesti tipa srcanih oboljenja, raka dojke, rak materice, oticanja clanaka, depresije (sto je nista spram ovih prvih) i jos mnogo njih.
Ja rekoh mozda neko ima slicno iskustvo, ali rjetko cete naci zenu koja mora piti hormone od svoje 18. godine do bar nekih 60 godina.

Dugih 42. godine uzimanja hormona skoro svakog dana je slucaj za koji ja nisam cula. Nadam se da ih i nema...
Ja od svoje 18. godine nisam svoja, niti se vise sjecam kakva sam bila.
Promjene raspolozenja, povremena depresija, anksioznost, otekli zglobovi... i jos mnogo toga.

Hvala Vam na odgovoru.

 Tema posta: Re: 10 godina hormonske terapije
PostPoslato: Sre Avg 11, 2010 8:10 pm 
OffLine Stalni član Stalni član
Pridružio se: Sre Mar 14, 2007 8:46 pm
Postovi: 1001
Bas mi je zao sto je tako, zaista samo ti znas kako kroz to prolazis. Samo sam htela da kazem da ne mora da znaci da se sve te strasne nuspojave i obistine, pogotovu ako si pod nadzorom lekara. Puno srece na tom putu, nadam se da ces se ovde javljati da postavljas pitanja vezano za trudnocu :wink:

 Tema posta: Re: 10 godina hormonske terapije
PostPoslato: Sre Avg 11, 2010 9:46 pm 
OffLine Novi član Novi član
Pridružio se: Uto Avg 10, 2010 9:06 am
Postovi: 5
Hvala, i ja takodje.

 Tema posta: Re: 10 godina hormonske terapije
PostPoslato: Sub Avg 14, 2010 12:25 am 
OffLine Aktivan član Aktivan član
Pridružio se: Pet Feb 09, 2007 7:10 pm
Postovi: 717
Lulucacao, nemoj da se plasis, danas nije nista neobicno da zene skoro celog zivota budu pod nekom vrstom hormonske terapije! Na zapadu im se jos kao tinejdzerkama preporucuje kontraceptivna pilula, koju ako ne puse i nemaju jos neke nasledne probleme mogu da koriste cak to menopauze, pa onda hormone replacement therapy da ublaze simptome menopauze, i tako na neodredjeno vreme! Neki rizici postoje, to je tacno, pre svega rizik od raka dojke i, ako zena ima problema sa zgrusavanjem krvi, rizik od tromboze. Ali rak dojke je toliko cest da redovne kontrole ionako treba da budu rutinska stvar, mozda je i bolje kada si svestan rizika i onda vise vodis racuna, nego kada mislis "ma nece to mene" i onda kada shvatis sta se desilo vec bude kasno... zapravo najveci rizik za rak dojke je prekomerna telesna tezina, a niko se ne plasi da jede tortu, dok se svi plase uzimanja hormona! A sto se tromboze tice, redovno raditi testove zgrusavanja krvi, i ako se pojave problemi postoje lekovi i za to. Recimo suplementacija omega 3 masnim kiselinama pomaze!

Srcana oboljenja i rak materice koliko ja znam nisu uzrokovani hormonskom terapijom. Postoji korelacija izmedju uzimanja kontraceptivne pilule i raka grlica materice, ali ispostavilo se da je to zato sto zene na piluli redje koriste kondom pa cesce dobijaju humani papiloma virus koji je uzrocnik ovog raka.

 Tema posta: Re: 10 godina hormonske terapije
PostPoslato: Sub Avg 14, 2010 3:39 pm 
OffLine Stalni član Stalni član
Pridružio se: Sre Mar 14, 2007 8:46 pm
Postovi: 1001
Jos bih samo dodala da je dokazano da postoji zastitni efekat inhibicije ovulacije (koja se desava kod kontraceptivnih pilula) i smanjenja verovatnoce raka jajnika.

Ali, s druge strane, iako sam bila (pa donekle i dalje sam) pristalica hormonalne kontracepcije, osetila sam na svom primeru da ipak postoje neke malo ozbiljnije nuspojave. Ukratko, estrogen se vezuje za dva receptora, estrogen alfa i estrogen beta. Inhibicija proizvodnje estrogena usled hormonalne terapije zvuci kao nesto sto bi takodje inhibiralo i rak reproduktivnih organa (koji se hrani estrogenom) ali ipak nije tako jednostavno. Jer se ispostavilo da je jedan od prvih uslova za dobijanje raka inhibicija vezivanja estrogena za beta receptore. Dakle, estrogen takodje ima i ZASTITNU fuknciju, i o tome su tek sada ovde (u Americi) objavljenja istrazivanja. A da ne pricamo o vezi izmedju inihibicije estrogena i testosterona i smanjenja libida (usled povecanja SHBG - sex hormon binding globulin), povecanog holesterola, povecanog rizika od osteoporoze i problema sa tiroideom.

Samo hocu da kazem da ima dosta nuspojava vestackih hormona o kojima se tek sada pise i istrazuje i izgleda da ipak postoji velika razlika izmedju nasih prirodnih hormona i onih sintetickih. Celije ipak znaju razliku. Mozda je na "zapadu" sve otislo u drugu krajnost, kao sto donka kaze, gde se pilule za kontracepciju daju kao tik-tak bombone. Sve je bolje od nezeljene trudnoce, naravno, ali opet je pitanje kako organizam reaguje na duge staze. Poceli su da pristizu odgovori raznih istrazivaca na ta pitanja i uopste mi se ne svidjaju :(

 Tema posta: Re: 10 godina hormonske terapije
PostPoslato: Pon Avg 16, 2010 1:15 pm 
OffLine Novi član Novi član
Pridružio se: Uto Avg 10, 2010 9:06 am
Postovi: 5
Donka - sto se samopregleda tice, tu si skroz u pravu. Dobro je kad covjek zna da postoji odredjen riziki i dela shodno tome.
Ipak, mislim da igranje sa hormonima nikako ne moze biti dobro.
Daj boze da te negativne strane hormonske terapije nikad ne odu dalje od promjena raspolozenja, ali sto kaze majmunche, tek sad prisitzu novi odgovori.
Ne mogu da se tacno sjetim, ali mislim da u pakovanju Trisequens tableta cak i pise koliko sansi ili koliko broj od zena koje ga koristi, oboljeva.
Evo nadjoh nesto, malo je poduze...

Very common effects
May affect more than 1 in 10 women
Breast pain or breast tenderness
Irregular menstrual periods or excessive bleeding during your periods.

Common effects
May affect up to 1 in 10 women
Fungal infection of the genitals or vaginal inflammation (thrush)
Fluid retention
Depression or worsening of existing depression
Migraine or existing migraine made worse
Feeling sick (nausea)
Pain, swelling or discomfort of the abdomen (stomach)
Back pain
Leg cramps
Enlargement or swelling of the breasts (breast oedema) - ne zalim se na ovo! :)
Uterine fibroids (benign tumour of the womb): aggravation or re-occurrence
Swelling of arms or legs (Peripheral oedema)
Weight increase.
Uncommon effects
May affect up to 1 in 100 women
Allergic reaction (hypersensitivity)
Inflammation of a vein (superficial thrombophlebitiis)
Flatulence (wind) or bloating
Hair loss or increased facial or body hair or acne
Hives (urticaria)
Painful periods
Excessive growth of the lining of the womb (endometrial hyperplasia)
No relief of symptoms (Drug ineffective)

Rare Effects
May affect up to 1 in 1,000 women
Blood clots in the blood vessels of the legs or the lungs (deep vein thrombosis, lung embolism). See also section “Other side effects of HRT”
Breast cancer. See also section “Other side effects of HRT”

Very Rare Effects
May affect up to 1 in 10,000 women
Cancer of the lining of the womb (endometrial cancer). See also section “Other side effects of HRT”
Changes in sexual desire
Visual disturbances
Increase in blood pressure or worsening of high blood pressure
Heart attack or stroke (see also section “Other side effects of HRT”)
Heartburn or vomiting
Gallbladder disease
Gallstones, aggravation, occurrence or re-occurrence
Greasy skin
Swelling of the skin or other tissues of sudden onset
Vaginal and genital itching
Weight decrease.
Effects on the skin
Brown patches in the face, skin rashes including red inflammation on the hands or the legs (erythema multiforme), formation of tender, red nodules on the front of the legs/knees (erythema nodosum) or a bruise-like rash.

Other side effects of HRT
As well as benefits, HRT has some risks which you need to consider when you’re deciding whether to take it, or whether to carry on taking it.
Effects on your risk of developing cancer

Breast cancer
Women who have breast cancer, or have had breast cancer in the past, should not take HRT.
Taking HRT slightly increases the risk of breast cancer; so does having a later menopause. The risk for a post-menopausal woman taking oestrogen-only HRT for 5 years is about the same as for a woman of the same age who’s still having periods over that time and not taking HRT. The risk for a woman who is taking oestrogen plus progestogen HRT is higher than for oestrogen-only HRT (but oestrogen plus progestogen HRT is beneficial for the endometrium, see ‘Endometrial cancer’ below).
For all kinds of HRT, the extra risk of breast cancer goes up the longer you take it, but returns to normal within about 5 years after stopping HRT.
Your risk of breast cancer is also higher:
If you have a close relative (mother, sister or grandmother) who has had breast cancer
If you are seriously overweight.
Looking at women aged 50 who are not taking HRT - on average, 32 in 1000 will be diagnosed with breast cancer by the time they reach the age of 65.
For women who start taking oestrogen-only HRT at age 50 and take it for 5 years, the figure will be between 33 and 34 in 1000 (i.e. an extra 1-2 cases).
If they take oestrogen-only HRT for 10 years, the figure will be 37 in 1000 (ie an extra 5 cases).
For women who start taking oestrogen plus progestogen HRT at age 50 and take it for 5 years, the figure will be 38 in 1000 (i.e. an extra 6 cases).
If they take oestrogen plus progestogen HRT for 10 years, the figure will be 51 in 1000 (i.e. an extra 19 cases)
If you notice any changes in your breast, such as:
Dimpling of the skin
Changes in the nipple
Any lumps you can see or feel.
Make an appointment to see your doctor as soon as possible.
Endometrial cancer
(cancer of the lining of the womb)
Taking oestrogen-only HRT for a long time can increase the risk of cancer of the lining of the womb (the endometrium). Taking a progestogen as well as the oestrogen helps to lower the extra risk.
If you still have your womb, your doctor may prescribe a progestogen as well as oestrogen. If so, these may be prescribed separately, or as a combined HRT product.
If you have had your womb removed (a hysterectomy), your doctor will discuss with you whether you can safely take oestrogen without a progestogen.
If you’ve had your womb removed because of endometriosis, any endometrium left in your body may be at risk. So your doctor may prescribe HRT that includes a progestogen as well as an oestrogen.
Your product, Trisequens®, contains a progestogen.
Looking at women who still have a uterus and who are not taking HRT – on average 5 in 1000 will be diagnosed with endometrial cancer between the ages of 50 and 65.
For women who take oestrogen-only HRT, the number will be 2 to 12 times higher, depending on the dose and how long you take it.
The addition of a progestogen to oestrogen-only HRT substantially reduces the risk of endometrial cancer.
If you get breakthrough bleeding or spotting, it’s usually nothing to worry about, especially during the first few months of taking HRT.
But if the bleeding or spotting:
Carries on for more than the first few months
Starts after you’ve been on HRT for a while
Carries on even after you’ve stopped taking HRT.
Make an appointment to see your doctor. It could be a sign that your endometrium has become thicker.
Ovarian cancer
Ovarian cancer (cancer of the ovaries) is very rare, but it is serious. It can be difficult to diagnose, because there are often no obvious signs of the disease.
Some studies have indicated that taking HRT for more than 5 years may increase the risk of ovarian cancer.
Effects on your heart or circulation
Blood clots
HRT may increase the risk of blood clots in the veins (also called deep vein thrombosis, or DVT), especially during the first year of taking it.
These blood clots are not always serious, but if one travels to the lungs, it can cause chest pain, breathlessness, collapse or even death. This condition is called pulmonary embolism, or PE.
DVT and PE are examples of a condition called venous thromboembolism, or VTE.
You are more likely to get a blood clot:
If you are seriously overweight
If you have had a blood clot before
If any of your close family have had blood clots
If you have had one or more miscarriages
If you have any blood clotting problem that needs treatment with a medicine such as warfarin
If you’re off your feet for a long time because of major surgery, injury or illness
If you have a rare condition called SLE.
If any of these things apply to you, talk to your doctor to see if you should take HRT.
Looking at women in their 50s who are not taking HRT - on average, over a 5-year period, 3 in 1000 would be expected to get a blood clot.
For women in their 50s who are taking HRT, the figure would be 7 in 1000.
Looking at women in their 60s who are not taking HRT - on average, over a 5-year period, 8 in 1000 would be expected to get a blood clot.
For women in their 60s who are taking HRT, the figure would be 17 in 1000.
If you get:
Painful swelling in your leg
Sudden chest pain
Difficulty breathing.
See a doctor as soon as possible and do not take any more HRT until your doctor says you can. These may be signs of a blood clot.
If you’re going to have surgery, make sure your doctor knows about it. You may need to stop taking HRT about 4 to 6 weeks before the operation, to reduce the risk of a blood clot. Your doctor will tell you when you can start taking HRT again.
Heart disease
HRT is not recommended for women who have heart disease, or have had heart disease recently. If you have ever had heart disease, talk to your doctor to see if you should be taking HRT.
HRT will not help to prevent heart disease.
Studies with one type of HRT (containing conjugated oestrogen plus the progestogen MPA) have shown that women may be slightly more likely to get heart disease during the first year of taking the medication. For other types of HRT, the risk is likely to be similar, although this is not yet certain.
If you get:
A pain in your chest that spreads to your arm or neck.
See a doctor as soon as possible and do not take any more HRT until your doctor says you can. This pain could be a sign of heart disease.
Recent research suggests that HRT slightly increases the risk of having a stroke. Other things that can increase the risk of stroke include:
Getting older
High blood pressure
Drinking too much alcohol
An irregular heartbeat
If you are worried about any of these things, or if you have had a stroke in the past, talk to your doctor to see if you should take HRT.
Looking at women in their 50s who are not taking HRT - on average, over a 5-year period, 3 in 1000 would be expected to have a stroke.
For women in their 50s who are taking HRT, the figure would be 4 in 1000.
Looking at women in their 60s who are not taking HRT - on average, over a 5-year period, 11 in 1000 would be expected to have a stroke.
For women in their 60s who are taking HRT, the figure would be 15 in 1000.
If you get:
Unexplained migraine-type headaches, with or without disturbed vision.
See a doctor as soon as possible and do not take any more HRT until your doctor says you can. These headaches may be an early warning sign of a stroke.
There is no evidence that HRT improves processes of knowing, thinking, learning and judging (cognitive function). From a clinical study there is some evidence for an increased risk of dementia among women older than 65 years, who were using another oestrogen/progestogen combination than the one in Trisequens®. It is not known whether this applies to younger women and to women taking other HRT preparations.

Poduzi je text... pardon. U svakom slucaju side effects koje sam obiljezila crvenom bojom, ja imam.
Doduse, mozda bih ih i imala da ne pijem HRT, ko vise zna.

Obratite paznju na recenicu obojenu plavom bojom...

 Tema posta: Re: 10 godina hormonske terapije
PostPoslato: Sre Avg 18, 2010 9:25 pm 
OffLine Stalni član Stalni član
Pridružio se: Sre Mar 14, 2007 8:46 pm
Postovi: 1001
Mislim da je jedan od problema kod hormonske terapije upravo to sto su hormoni uzasno kompleksni i jedna mala promena moze da ima domino efekat. Samim tim, jako je tesko znati sto od "simptoma" je prouzrokovano terapijom a sta je neka promena usled zivotnih okolnosti, koja bi se desila svejedno (npr, anksioznost, depresija, gubitak libida, umor, nesanica, itd - sve to moze biti posledica hormonalne terapije, i svaka od nas je prosla kroz sve to u jednom periodu zivota, bez obzira da li je bila ne nekoj terapiji ili ne). Moja doktorka mi je dala dobar savet: moramo postati eksperti za svoje telo, prepoznati sta je "normalna/uobicajena" pojava (npr, glavobolja usled stresa, ili nesanica iz nekog svakodnevnog razloga) a sta neka promena koja nam se cini strana... Sve se svodi na to da jednostavno malo znamo da osluskujemo sebe, i fizicki i emotivno. Jer smo stalno usmerene ka drugima, ka deci, muzu, rodbini, prijateljima... :roll:

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