Evo jedne seksološke tehnike za parove, nadam se da razumeš engleski. Ovo je tehnika desenzitizacije po Masters-Johnsonu i kažu da daje dobre rezultate (piše na Internetu). Trebaće ti saradnja partnerke, ali to valjda nije problem
The female partner should slowly begin stimulation of the male and should stop as soon as he senses a feeling of excessive excitement that may lead to ejaculatory inevitability.
Then, she should administer a firm compression of the penis just behind the glans, pressing mainly under the penis. This should be uncomfortable but not painful.
Stimulation then should begin again after the male has a feeling that the ejaculation is no longer imminent.
The process should be repeated and practiced at least 10 or more times.
Gradually, most males find this technique helps decrease the impending inevitable need to ejaculate.
After a period of practicing this method, the couple can sit facing each other, with the woman's legs crossing on top of the male's legs. She can stimulate him by manipulating his penis close to, then with friction against, her vulval area. Each time he senses excessive excitement, she can apply the squeeze and stop all stimulation until he calms down enough for the process to be repeated.
Finally, coitus may be attempted, with the female partner in the superior position so that she may withdraw immediately and again apply a squeeze to remove his urge to climax.
Most couples find this technique to be highly successful. It can also help the female partner to be more aroused and can shorten her time to climax because it constitutes a form of extended foreplay in many cases.
p.s. Ako ne nađeš partnerku, ekvivalent ovoga je da prilikom masturbacije staneš kad osetiš da se bliži ejakulacija. Zatim pauziraš pa ponovo i tako deset puta. Ali ovo ne daje tako dobre rezultate kao u paru, jer je prevremena ejakulacija vezana za odnos, a ne masturbaciju.