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PostPoslato: Pet Mar 20, 2009 12:33 am 
Korisnikov avatar OffLine Stalni član Stalni član
Pridružio se: Sub Dec 01, 2007 12:38 pm
Postovi: 3083
Vrlo vam je bedna ta "sala". A sto je najzalosnije, vi verujete da ste duhoviti.

NE! ja apsolutno smatram da postoje medicinske indikacije da vam se preporuci psihoterapija!!!

Kad bi ljudi znali vase ime i prezime, ne biste bas bili popularni.

ja uopste nisam popularan, a nisam ni shvatio sta ste pod tim podrazumevali?!
moje ime ne znaci nista, jer kao sto sam (vama) vec napisao ne radim u zdravstvenoj ustanovi, i prema tome ne postoji nacin da neko cak i da to zeli dodje kod mene ni privatno, ni drzavno...

lenstine, dzabalebarosi

da li vi znate koliko traje edukcija za analiticki orijentisane ogranke psihoterapije?
fakultet (medicina ili psihologija) + analiza kandidata (2-5 god) + edukacija (nekoliko god) dakle ljudi koji se toliko skoluju da pomazu drugima nisu ni lenstine, ni dzabalebarosi

zbog potpunog odaljavanja od teme, mislim da bi trebalo da ovde vidimo katanac.....

Poslednji put menjao drbgd dana Pet Mar 20, 2009 12:38 am, izmenjena samo jedanput

 Tema posta: Re: zdravo
PostPoslato: Pet Mar 20, 2009 12:36 am 
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Pridružio se: Čet Mar 27, 2008 10:57 am
Postovi: 254
majaz je napisao:
ali i te mlecne formule se prave od kravljeg mleka. samo malo preradjenog. o ovome ne vredi raspravljati vise. pa svako je dete na svoj nacin drugacije i neko ce ga prihvatiti neko nece, neko nece prihvatiti bilo koju formulu ni kravlje mleko, pa ce mu trebati neka zamena kao sojino mleko. svako zna sta je za njegovo dete najbolje. uostalom danas nista nema prirodno ni domace, DANAS JE BUKVALNO I ZRAK OTROVAN

MALO preradjeno? Evo Doktor BG vam je rekao koliko je to preradjeno. Jel vidite da IPAK vredi raspravljati.
Mala deca nemaju slobodu da prihvataju ili ne prihvataju. Roditelji moraju da se brinu za njih i da ih nauce sta je dobro za njih a sta nije.
Sad ak odete voli i prihvata da pije omeksivac Merix ili nesto za pranje posudja, to ne znaci da je to dobro za dete. Ne sme dete da izbira i da se prenemaze, tako se deca razmaze i otrgnu od roditelja.

Danas itekako ima i prirodnih i domacih stvari. Priroda jeste zagadjena, ali najvise u gradovima. I vazduh je zagadjen, ali opet, u gradovima. U divljini i po selima se mogu videti samo truncice te gradske zagadjenosti, i treba to sacuvati dok jos ima vremena. Nemojte misliti da nema zdrave hrane, zdravog vazduha, zdrave vode... Ima. Samo mi to od silnih reklama i prodavnica ne vidimo.

 Tema posta:
PostPoslato: Pet Mar 20, 2009 12:39 am 
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Pridružio se: Pet Maj 09, 2008 10:49 pm
Postovi: 349
drbgd je napisao:
NE! ja apsolutno smatram da postoje medicinske indikacije da vam se preporuci psihoterapija!!!

odmah se vidi da ste lekar,bez greske postavljate prave dijagnoze :lol: :lol: :lol:

 Tema posta:
PostPoslato: Pet Mar 20, 2009 12:47 am 
OffLine Aktivan član Aktivan član
Pridružio se: Čet Mar 27, 2008 10:57 am
Postovi: 254
drbgd je napisao:
adaptirane formule su veoma preradjene, i ne mogu se porediti sa kravljim mlekom. proteini i minerali kravljeg mleka su neprilagodjeni bebinom digestivnom sistemu i njihova iskoristivost je na minimumu. sadrzaj i kombinacija vitamina (manjak vit. C) nisu adekvatni, a gvozdja ima veoma malo. svi ovi nedostaci su tehnoloskim postupcima proizvodnje adaptiranih formula maksimalno nadoknadjeni.
adaptirane formule na bazi soje se propisuju kada postoji netolerancija bebe na standardne formule

mislim, da se na ovoj temi otprilike zavrsava svaka racionalna prica o kravljem mleku i adaptiranim formulama...

To sto ste napisali, stoji. Adaptirano "mleko" se toliko preradjuje da od njega ne ostane ni M od mleka.
Kad uporedjujete preradjeno mleko iz tetrapaka i adaptirano mleko "formulu", onda mozete da donesete takav podatak.

Ali vi nemate nikakve podatke za sveze, nekuvano, dakle zivo mleko. Ne preradjeno. A pogotovo ako se radi o svezem KOZIJEM mleku koje ja preporucijem.

Ako mozete da pojasnite malo onaj deo "neprilagodjeno" sta to tacno znaci u praksi.
Sta se desi kad dete pokusate da hranite svezim kozijim ili kravljim mlekom?
A sta se desi kada dete hranite preradjenim mlekom iz tetrapaka?
A sta se desava sa detetom ako ga hranimo adaptiranim "mleko"-formulom?

Po cemu se TACNO razlikuje fabricka formula od nekuvanog kozijeg mleka. U cemu je caka. U cemu je fabrika bolja od prirode?
Na ovo mi morate odgovoriti da bih vam verovao!

Imate li takvo neko istrazivanje? Ako ne znate, zasto ne postoje takva istrazivanja danas? TOUOPSTE NIJE SKUPO. Evo moje dece zive i zdrave pa da vam posvedoce ako treba.

Meni su poznata neka takva istrazivanja na zivotinjama, i rezultati takvih istrazivanja, pa me interesuje znate li nesto o tome?

 Tema posta:
PostPoslato: Pet Mar 20, 2009 1:02 am 
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Pridružio se: Čet Mar 27, 2008 10:57 am
Postovi: 254
luka_0407 je napisao:
drbgd je napisao:
NE! ja apsolutno smatram da postoje medicinske indikacije da vam se preporuci psihoterapija!!!

odmah se vidi da ste lekar,bez greske postavljate prave dijagnoze :lol: :lol: :lol:

Samo da znate da nisam Doktoru preporucio neki bofl, vec vrhunske strucnjake na celu sa nasim cuvenik akademikom dr Vladetom Jeroticem, najboljim specijalistom te struke i nosiocem ordena Svetog Save!

Znaci sele, frojdovci i psihoanaliticari i kompanija ne mogu da se porede sa PPSC! Ko je iz BG nek se sam uveri. Dodji i vidi. Dok frojdovci mlate pare i mlate slamu, ovi mlate zivotne probleme!

Kad je vec Dr zapoceo prljavu igru, a posto sam mu o MLEKU postavio strasna, strasna pitanja za razmisljanje, nema vise potrebe da skrecemo sa teme. Dok mi ne odgovori na pitanja, ja necu da skrecem sa teme i da mu odgovaram na prljavu igru.

A lepo sam mu odgovorio za dr Jerotica i PPSC kad me vec tako lepo "zamolio".

 Tema posta:
PostPoslato: Pet Mar 20, 2009 1:07 am 
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Pridružio se: Čet Mar 27, 2008 10:57 am
Postovi: 254


Za sve detaljne informacije kao i za zakazivanje vaseg prvog savetovanja obratite se na telefone 011-3613-855 ili 3614-500, 3616-190 / локал 347 од 9 до 19 часова.

Nasi saradnici vam DOBROVOLJNO i BESPLATNO daruju svoje vreme, znanje i iskustvo!!!

Strucnjaci i to besrebrenici!!! A? Sta kazes? Kakvi bre frojdovci?

 Tema posta:
PostPoslato: Pet Mar 20, 2009 1:13 am 
OffLine Stalni član Stalni član
Pridružio se: Pon Nov 17, 2008 2:46 am
Postovi: 1687
Bee2 je napisao:


Za sve detaljne informacije kao i za zakazivanje vaseg prvog savetovanja obratite se na telefone 011-3613-855 ili 3614-500, 3616-190 / ëîęŕë 347 îä 9 äî 19 ÷ŕńîâŕ.

Nasi saradnici vam DOBROVOLJNO i BESPLATNO daruju svoje vreme, znanje i iskustvo!!!

Strucnjaci i to besrebrenici!!! A? Sta kazes? Kakvi bre frojdovci?

Ti si bre zasluzio pice!

_________________ ... re=related
Kad je struju izmislio Tesla, ameriko sisala si vesla!

 Tema posta: zanimljivi clanci
PostPoslato: Pet Mar 20, 2009 1:23 am 
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Pridružio se: Čet Mar 27, 2008 10:57 am
Postovi: 254
Evo nekih zanimljivih clanaka koje sam pronasao o onome o cemu sam ja govorio na ovoj temi. Nisam sve to procitao pa ne mogu da preporucujem, ja znam za nasu formulu, ALI SVAKAKO OVO VREDI PROCITATI I MALO RAZMISLITI.

Od svega ovoga sto tu pise, mi kozije mleko mesamo samo sa onim sto sam vec napisao (kvasac, neka hladna ulja, heljdina voda, med, mlec, sargarepa, bundeva...).

Pozdav svima koje ova tema interesuje!

Recipes for Homemade Baby Formula
Many of the ingredients for these recipes are available from
Radiant Life, 888-593-8333,

Makes 36 ounces

Our milk-based formula takes account of the fact that human milk is richer in whey, lactose, vitamin C, niacin, and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids compared to cow's milk but leaner in casein (milk protein). The addition of gelatin to cow's milk formula will make it more digestible for the infant. Use only truly expeller-expressed oils in the formula recipes, otherwise they may lack vitamin E.

The ideal milk for baby, if he cannot be breastfed, is clean, whole raw milk from old-fashioned cows, certified free of disease, that feed on green pasture. For sources of good quality milk, see or contact a local chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

If the only choice available to you is commercial milk, choose whole milk, preferably organic and unhomogenized, and culture it with a piima or kefir culture to restore enzymes (available from G.E.M. Cultures 253-588-2922 or

2 cups whole milk, preferably unprocessed milk from pasture-fed cows
1/4 cup homemade liquid whey (See recipe for whey, below) Note: Do NOT use whey from making cheese--it will cause the formula to curdle. Use only homemade whey made from yoghurt, kefir or separated raw milk.
4 tablespoons lactose*
1/4 teaspoon bifidobacterium infantis**
2 or more tablespoons good quality cream (not ultrapasteurized), more if you are using milk from Holstein cows
1 teaspoon regular dose cod liver oil or 1/2 teaspoon high-vitamin cod liver oil*
1 teaspoon expeller-expressed sunflower oil*
1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil*
2 teaspoons coconut oil*
2 teaspoons Frontier brand nutritional yeast flakes*
2 teaspoons gelatin*
1 7/8 cups filtered water
1/4 teaspoon acerola powder*

*Available from Radiant Life 888-593-8333,
**Available from Natren 866-462-8736,, or Radiant Life 888-593-8333, Also, please note earlier versions of this web page called for 1 tsp of bifidobacterium infantis--this was a typo.

Add gelatin to water and heat gently until gelatin is dissolved. Place all ingredients in a very clean glass or stainless steel container and mix well. To serve, pour 6 to 8 ounces into a very clean glass bottle, attach nipple and set in a pan of simmering water. Heat until warm but not hot to the touch, shake bottle well and feed baby. (Never, never heat formula in a microwave oven!) Note: If you are using the Lact-Aid, mix all ingredients well in a blender.)

Variation: Goat Milk Formula
Although goat milk is rich in fat, it must be used with caution in infant feeding as it lacks folic acid and is low in vitamin B12, both of which are essential to the growth and development of the infant. Inclusion of nutritional yeast to provide folic acid is essential. To compensate for low levels of vitamin B12, if preparing the Milk-Based Formula (above) with goat's milk, add 2 teaspoons organic raw chicken liver, frozen for 14 days, finely grated to the batch of formula. Be sure to begin egg-yolk feeding at four months.


Makes about 36 ounces

Our liver-based formula also mimics the nutrient profile of mother's milk. It is extremely important to include coconut oil in this formula as it is the only ingredient that provides the special medium-chain saturated fats found in mother's milk. As with the milk-based formula, all oils should be truly expeller-expressed.

3 3/4 cups homemade beef or chicken broth
2 ounces organic liver, cut into small pieces
5 tablespoons lactose*
1/4 teaspoon bifidobacterium infantis**
1/4 cup homemade liquid whey (See recipe for whey, below)
1 tablespoon coconut oil*
1 teaspoon cod liver oil or 1/2 teaspoon high-vitamin cod liver oil*
1 teaspoon unrefined sunflower oil*
2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon acerola powder

*Available from Radiant Life 888-593-8333,
**Available from Natren 866-462-8736, Also, please note earlier versions of this web page called for 1 tsp of bifidobacterium infantis--this was a typo.

Simmer liver gently in broth until the meat is cooked through. Liquefy using a handheld blender or in a food processor. When the liver broth has cooled, stir in remaining ingredients. Store in a very clean glass or stainless steel container. To serve, stir formula well and pour 6 to 8 ounces in a very clean glass bottle. Attach a clean nipple and set in a pan of simmering water until formula is warm but not hot to the touch, shake well and feed to baby. (Never heat formula in a microwave oven!)


Makes about 35 ounces

This stopgap formula can be used in emergencies, or when the ingredients for homemade formula are unavailable.

1 cup Mead Johnson low-iron, milk-based powdered formula
29 ounces filtered water (3 5/8 cups)
1 large egg yolk from an organic egg, cooked 3 1/2 minutes (See recipe for egg yolk, below)
1 teaspoon cod liver oil or 1/2 teaspoon high-vitamin cod liver oil

Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend thoroughly. Place 6-8 ounces in a very clean glass bottle. (Store the rest in a very clean glass jar in the refrigerator for the next feedings.) Attach a clean nipple to the bottle and set in a pan of simmering water until formula is warm but not hot to the touch, shake well and feed to baby. (Never heat formula in a microwave oven!)


Egg yolk should be baby's first solid food, starting at 4 months, whether baby is breastfed or formula-fed. Egg yolks from pastured hens will contain the special long-chain fatty acids so critical for the optimal development of the brain and nervous system. The whites may cause an allergic reaction and should not be given to baby until he is at least one year old.

1 organic egg from a pasture-fed hen
1/2 teaspoon grated raw organic liver, frozen for 14 days Note: It is VERY important that the liver be frozen for 14 days before using.

Boil egg for 3 1/2 minutes. Place in a bowl and peel off shell. Remove egg white and discard. Yolk should be soft and warm, not hot, with its enzyme content intact.

If you wish to add liver, grate on the small holes of a grater while frozen. Allow to warm up and stir into egg yolk.


About 5 cups

Homemade whey is easy to make from good quality plain yoghurt, or from raw or cultured milk. You will need a large strainer that rests over a bowl.

If you are using yoghurt, place 2 quarts in the strainer lined with a tea towel. Cover with a plate and leave at room temperature overnight. The whey will drip out into the bowl. Place whey in clean glass jars and store in the refrigerator.

If you are using raw or cultured milk, place 2 quarts of the milk in a glass container and leave at room temperature for 2-4 days until the milk separates into curds and whey. Pour into the strainer lined with a tea towel and cover with a plate. Leave at room temperature overnight. The whey will drip out into the bowl. Store in clean glass jars in the refrigerator.


This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts,
the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2001.

 Tema posta:
PostPoslato: Pet Mar 20, 2009 1:27 am 
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Pridružio se: Ned Feb 25, 2007 4:28 pm
Postovi: 420
Ima tu, malčice, i opsesivne kompulzije...
Tek što završi jedan post, nešto mu ne da mira, pa ajd da napišem još jedan, pa ček, nisam oplevio sve što sam mislio, ajde još jedared da proverim ko mi je sve odgovorio....
A, ja se pitam, ko, bre brine o tim kozama?

 Tema posta:
PostPoslato: Pet Mar 20, 2009 1:34 am 
OffLine Aktivan član Aktivan član
Pridružio se: Čet Mar 27, 2008 10:57 am
Postovi: 254

Is it safe to drink raw milk?
YES. It's quite safe. It's much safer to consume raw milk than eat deli meats for example. And based on stats including a Stanford University Microbiologist (p56 of Expert Court Testimony), it's safer to drink raw milk than pasteurized milk. The main concern is to get your milk from an ethical farm with healthy animals who graze freely on pastures so that your milk is of good quality.
Here are some stats from 2008:
* 60 government-reported illnesses from raw milk per year.
* About 500,000 raw milk drinkers in the US.
* Rate of illness from raw milk can be calculated at .012%.
* 76,000,000 cases of food-borne illness from all sources in the US per year. (from deli meats, produce, chicken, beef, pasteurized milk, etc)
* Population about 300,000,000
* Rate of illness from all foods is 25%

Thus, even using inflated government statistics on illness from raw milk, you are over 2,000 times more likely to contract illness from other foods than from raw milk. PLUS, drinking raw milk protects you against illness from other foods!

The problem is with the big farms who are just concerned with profit and do things to increase milk production which in turn makes the animals sick, yet they still milk them even if unhealthy with infections. The details on this story are quite disgusting and sad. The health of the animal has everything to do with the health of the milk. Your main goal should be obtaining milk from healthy grass fed, free roaming, happy animals.

Excerpt from Natural News article on traditional foods 10/24/08:
"...we recently posted a review of 102 studies purportedly that show that raw milk is dangerous. We went through each study and showed that in almost 95% of those studies they were just very biased and it was a foregone conclusion. They did not actually show that raw milk had caused disease. But they stated that it had in the abstract of the study. So there’s a tremendous amount of bias and prejudice against raw milk and this is reflected in the scientific literature...."

Another Natural News article on safety of Raw Milk
"...The Weston A. Price Foundation made several requests for clarification on the [raw milk illness] claims but none have been substantiated. There are also no accounts of these illnesses, hospitalizations, or deaths in the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly or any other FDA or CDC document.

Raw Milk Facts -
Raw Milk Resources - The Real Milk Project
The Milk Paradox: Why is it, that in America it's easier to * SPAM * drugs, guns and political favors than it is to * SPAM * a gallon of raw milk?
Summary of the story behind the problems with "normal" cow farms, and benefits of raw milk by Sally Fallon & Mary Enig, PhD in their book Nourishing Traditions. The Real Reasons Why Raw Milk is Becoming More Popular
Farm to Consumer Defense Fund:

Why does Annika give her baby Raw Goat Milk Formula?
Kira has been allergic/sensitive to cow milk based products since birth. While breastfeeding, I could not even consume any cow dairy myself or my breast milk would make her very sick resulting in her screaming with pain for hours, vomiting, and skin rashes on her face. All infant formulas are cow dairy based, and soy formula is poison to babies (read more about dangers of soy formula here), so soy was not an option.
My baby still gets raw goat milk and until she was 12 months, that's the ONLY milk she could tolerate aside from breastmilk. I used the goat milk formula with great success, and appreciated the guidance of other knowledgeable moms who who raised their children on homemade formula. (Yahoo health group "newWAPHB")

Do I have to follow the "Recipe"?
Yes, especially if your baby is not yet eating solids. It is important you follow the recipe in order for the formula to most closely resemble healthy breast milk ratios of protein/fat/water & nutrients. Human milk contains more whey, lactose, vitamin C, B12, folic acid, niacin, and certain essential fats (long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids including Omega 3s critical for brain health) than goat milk, thus these need to be added in. And goat milk is higher in protein (casein) which makes it higher in phospherous. Adding healthy fats to the recipe balances out the ratio, yet the goat milk formula is still higher in protein than the cow milk formula. See comparison chart at bottom. If you find that some of the ingredients in the formula may be problematic for your baby (i.e. yeast flakes or liver), remove them and see how your baby does. Then try them again a couple weeks later, they may tolerate it well. So keep trying.

In order for goat milk to most closely resemble breast milk, it needs to be combined with certain foods and essential fats to make it complete and balanced. This recipe is second best to breast milk and puts commercial infant formula to shame. Homemade raw goat milk infant formula is living food for your baby, and easy to digest. Unlike powdered formula, it will provide your baby with enzymes, probiotics, well absorbed food based vitamins, nutrients, and essential fats found in natural healthy oils. This homemade formula uses raw goat or cow milk (use cow milk if your baby tolerates it) and is ideally suited for infants age 0-7 months. After 7-9 months, if you baby is eating solids, you may simplify the formula if you are able to mix enough healthy fats, nutrients, and the other ingredients into solid baby food instead. Yet, moms have found their babies do great continuing on the homemade formula until age 12-24 months instead of plain milk as it contains more nutrients.

I discourage you from using the powdered goat milk formula (which is "dead" milk) unless you are in a real bind. Instead, follow the suggestions for fresh homemade goat milk baby formula which can be made in 10 min per day. Be sure to obtain raw milk from an ethical organic farm who feed exclusively on pasture and grass.

WHERE can I get clean RAW MILK from an ethical farm with grass-fed animals?
Find a local raw milk co-op in your town, or start one like I did. If you live in Miami, check out my Miami raw milk co-op. Or find a local farm endorsed by Weston A Price Foundation. If you cannot find any, you can have great quality raw milk shipped to you from a variety of farms around the country. Here is the farm I use: Miller's Organic Farm. Tell them Annika Rockwell referred you to get a discount on shipping. (their phone # is on the full product list PDF)

Homemade Infant Formula: A healthy alternative to commercial baby formula.
This Goat Milk Formula was obtained from the book: Nourishing Traditions. See FAQs and testimonials on Homemade Infant Formula and the original recipes from Sally Fallon and the Weston Price Foundation. *Note: some ingredients link to products on this website rather than the site recommended by Nourishing Traditions ( These are my personal variation from the original recipe.

 Tema posta:
PostPoslato: Pet Mar 20, 2009 1:42 am 
OffLine Aktivan član Aktivan član
Pridružio se: Čet Mar 27, 2008 10:57 am
Postovi: 254

Is Goat Milk Formula similar to breast milk?
Human milk is richer in whey, lactose, vitamin C, B12, folic acid, niacin, and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids compared to goat’s milk but leaner in protein (casein- the milk protein). See comparison chart below.

The recipe offers a formula which is second best to breast milk and puts commercial infant formula to shame. This homemade raw goat milk infant formula is living food for your baby, and easy to digest. Unlike powdered formula, it will provide your baby with enzymes, probiotics, absorbable food based vitamins, nutrients, and Essential Fats found in natural healthy oils.

Gelatin will make the formula more digestible. Lactose is critical for myelin and cerebrosides in the brain. Quality of the oils you use is of utmost importance since most commercial oils are rancid and fish oils can be polluted. Expeller-expressed oils contain necessary vitamin E.

Breastmilk is the ideal milk for baby, but if he cannot be breastfed, the second best option is clean, whole raw milk from old-fashioned cows (or goats), certified free of disease, that feed on green pasture. For sources of good quality milk, see or contact a local chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

If the only choice available to you is commercial milk, choose whole milk, preferably organic and unhomogenized, and culture it with a piima or kefir culture to restore enzymes (available from G.E.M. Cultures 707-964-2922). ... ormula.pdf

Doktore moj, kucni gore, kucni dole...

Research on raw milk and prevention of Allergies and Asthma

In a study of 14,893 children aged 5-13, consumption of raw milk was the strongest factor in reducing the risk of asthma and allergy (whether the children lived on a farm or not). The benefits were greatest when consumption of farm milk began during the first year of life. Clinical & Experimental Allergy. 2007 May; 35(5) 627-630

Vitamins and Healthy Fats for formula
(available on this site)
Here are some vitamins & nutrients I add into my homemade infant formula:

Cod Liver Oil by Pharmax (very "clean" mercury free oil)
HLC Neonate probiotic
Multivitamins Liquid CWS by Pharmax
Organic Virgin Coconut Oil

Alive Organic Vitamin C Powder (from acerola fruit)

Here are the studies on why adding EFAs are so critical for your infant's brain development.

Ja kad radim, onda radim postenski, sto se kaze. Nema cile-mile.

Lepo sam zamolio da mi posaljes svoja istrazivanja i naucna uporedjivanja fabricke formule i sirovog mleka na bebama.

Imam ja jos zanimljivih istrazivanja koja pokazuju kako MACKE I PSI CRKAVAJU od kuvanog mleka, a od zivog pucaju od zdravlja. Samo reci ako ti nije dosta. SVE CU SE ZA TEBE POTRUDITI.

Samo reci i naci cu ti istrazivanje da vidis kako i MISEVI mogu da crkavaju od kuvane hrane. A kad bismo im dali fabricku formulu, ILI BOLJE DA KAZEM LEPAK ZA MOZAK, ko zna sta bi im bilo.

 Tema posta:
PostPoslato: Pet Mar 20, 2009 1:44 am 
Korisnikov avatar OffLine Stalni član Stalni član
Pridružio se: Sub Dec 01, 2007 12:38 pm
Postovi: 3083
neprilagodjeno" sta to tacno znaci u praksi

znaci da digestivni trakt bebe nije predvidjen da vari kravlje mleko.
to dalje znaci da supstance koje sam pobrojao (vitamini pre svega C, gvozdje, itd) nisu dostupni bebi u odgovarajucim kolicinama, i ona slabije napreduje.
Sta se desi kad dete pokusate da hranite svezim kozijim ili kravljim mlekom?

covek koji ima iole zdravstvene kulture nece ni pomisliti da popije nekuvano mleko (zbog moguceg prisustva bakterija, pre svega tuberkuloze, zatim antraksa, ali i mnogih drugih) a kamoli da ga da bebi i tu prica u zvanicnoj medicini jednostavno prestaje! davanje nekuvanog mleka, npr. u nekom obdanistu bi povlacilo zakonske sankcije iu nasem i u drugim zakonodavstvima sveta. prema tome istrazivanja nema jer je to radnja protiv zdravlja dece.


prof. vladeta je jerotic je analiticki psihoterapeut po obrazovanju, preveo je na srpski jezik sledeca frojdova dela:
"iz kulture i umetnosti" (sa grupom kolega, u izdanju matice srpske, 1969.
zatim "autobiografiju" sigmunda frojda, (ista godina i isti izdavac)
kao i "pisma s. frojda verenici" 1975. godine

medju poslednjim knjigama prof. jerotica nalaze se i 2 koje se upravo i bave implementacijom psihoterapije.......

 Tema posta:
PostPoslato: Pet Mar 20, 2009 1:52 am 
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Pridružio se: Čet Mar 27, 2008 10:57 am
Postovi: 254

Zanimljivo je i korisno PROCITATI i razmisliti ako postoje RAZLICITA MISLJENJA. A postoje! Sto da ne. Danas je svet podeljen vise nego ikada! Nemojte cekati da vam neki Dr ili neki "strucnjak" resi sve probleme i dileme u zivotu. Prihvatite se posla.

Samo zelim da skrenem paznju da ne moramo uvek da kopiramo TUDJA iskustva. Zapravo mame kad bolje razmislite uvek ispadne
ILI kao da oni otkrivaju mlaku vodu, izmisle nesto 3 veka posle nas,
ILI kao da nam ukradu nesto iza ledja, iz nase prebogate i neistrazene tradicije, pa nam prodaju i deru kozu!

Nema treceg, za sada. Mi svoje ne cenimo, ne istrazujemo, ne afirmisemo... i polako propadamo. Da se vratim na temu. MI smo krivi sto svi slobodoumni ljudi u svetu znaju za blagodeti svezeg kozijeg mleka i to uveliko koriste, a mi koji imamo tako bogatu tradiciju i dalje trujemo svoju decu njihovim formulama i mislimo da bi bez adaptiranog "mleka" propao svet!!!

Za sada toliko.

Baby Formula

Without getting into the political controversy that continues to swirl around infant formula today, it's enough to say that there really is no perfect
substitute for mother's milk in your baby's first year of life.

Countless studies have shown that babies fed with mother's milk, instead of formulas, fare better in just about every way, from resistance to childhood ailments like ear infections and allergies, to having better skeletal structure and higher IQ's.

Commercial formulas got their start in 1867, when Henri Nestle (1814-1890, below, right) created one from cow's milk, wheat flour and sugar. Since then, literally hundreds, if not thousands of different blends were brewed up as replacements for mother's milk, the great majority of them falling far short of the mark.

Over the past century, mothers in western societies have sadly trended away from nursing in favor of bottle feeding, probably due to a mixture of societal changes, ignorance, indifference and unwillingness to deal with the inconvenience. Every effort should be made to breast-feed newborns. Only when that proves impossible should a formula be considered.

Luckily, food science, and painful lessons learned over decades of experimentation, have given us a pretty good idea of how to make substitutes for human milk. Consider that a baby's brain increases in weight from 350g (about 12 oz.) to about 800g (just over 28 oz.) during the first year of life. By age two, it's added another 400g.
That's almost two pounds of brain in as many years! It's safe to say that what you feed your child during this time of explosive cranial growth is probably some of the most important food it'll ever eat.

Whole, raw, grass-fed cow's milk, with some important additions, can augment, or, if necessary, replace mother's milk and ensure that all the right building blocks are being provided for optimum health and growth. The kind folks at the Weston A. Price Foundation have given me permission to include their recipe for baby formula that beats store-bought any day. Before we get to it, I'll add a little background on infant nutrition.

Human milk differs from bovine in a number of ways. Lactose (milk sugar) content for one. It has about 50% more than cow's milk, which comes in handy with all that nervous system construction going on. Why? Well, when lactose is digested, it breaks into one molecule each of glucose and galactose. So far, so good.

Now, galactose, it turns out, is a key component in myelin, an insulating material that wraps around the axons of many neurons (brain cells). Nerve impulses travel more quickly through axons with a proper coating of myelin. My guess is that intelligence is pretty closely linked with neuron firing speed, so adding extra lactose to cow's milk destined for growing human brains seems like a good idea.

Mother's milk is also higher in whey proteins, some of which make casein, the other milk protein, easier to digest. Adding extra whey and some powdered gelatin (not Jello!) can help make the casein in cow's milk more digestible for babies as well.

To make whey (hey!) just fill a clean quart mason jar with raw milk and set it on the counter at room temperature. Be sure to drape a clean cloth or paper towel over the opening to keep out airborne dust and microbes.

The thin, yellowish liquid that separates out after 3-4 days is the whey. It'll keep, covered in the fridge, for up to six months. Save the white stuff, too! Drain it for a day or so in cloth mesh and you'll have tasty cream cheese.

The fat profile of human milk differs appreciably from cow's milk as well, as you can see from the chart below. Notice that cow's milk is higher in the short and medium chain fatty acids than mother's milk. Human milk, on the other hand, is richer in the longer chain unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).

By adding cod liver, coconut, olive and sunflower oils to the formula, the fat profile, including long chain PUFAs like arachidonic (AA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is brought closer in line to that of breast milk, along with adding additional fat-soluble vitamins.
And speaking of vitamins, a small quantity of acerola powder (for vitamin C), and nutritional yeast (for folic acid, B vitamins and minerals) both bolster the nutrient profile even further.

Finally, the addition of Bifidobacterium infantis, a probiotic strain of bacteria found in the intestines of breast-fed infants, is thought to be useful in warding off infantile diarrhea by suppressing the growth of harmful bacteria in the large intestine.

Sally Fallon's excellent cookbook, Nourishing Traditions, has a terrific section on feeding babies that's a must read for all parents to be. You can find it on the Selected Books page. I highly recommend it!

RAW MILK-BASED BABY FORMULA From Weston A. Price Foundation

2 cups whole, raw milk from pasture-fed cows
1/4 cup homemade liquid whey
4 tablespoons lactose
1 teaspoon bifidobacterium infantis powder
2 or more tablespoons good quality raw cream, more if you are using milk from Holstein cows
1 teaspoon cod liver oil
1 teaspoon expeller-expressed sunflower oil
1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons coconut oil (heat to 76° to liquify)
2 teaspoons nutritional yeast flakes
2 teaspoons gelatin
1 7/8 cups filtered water
1/4 teaspoon acerola powder

Add gelatin to water and warm until granules dissolve. Put this and all the other ingredients into a blender and mix well. Transfer to a clean glass or stainless steel container for storage.

To Serve:

Pour 6-8 ounces into a clean glass bottle, attach nipple and heat gently in a pan of simmering water. Don't over do it, just enough so it's warm to the touch, then shake well and feed.

 Tema posta:
PostPoslato: Pet Mar 20, 2009 1:57 am 
OffLine Aktivan član Aktivan član
Pridružio se: Čet Mar 27, 2008 10:57 am
Postovi: 254
Ksenija72 je napisao:
Ima tu, malиice, i opsesivne kompulzije...
Tek љto zavrљi jedan post, neљto mu ne da mira, pa ajd da napiљem joљ jedan, pa иek, nisam oplevio sve љto sam mislio, ajde joљ jedared da proverim ko mi je sve odgovorio....
A, ja se pitam, ko, bre brine o tim kozama?

Koze su mi sve na broju, hvala na pitanju!!!!

Jedu belog luka, jedu lekovito bilje i izgledaju kao navijacice!

Cela Tuzla jednu kozu muzla! Mislite o tome...

 Tema posta:
PostPoslato: Pet Mar 20, 2009 2:12 am 
OffLine Aktivan član Aktivan član
Pridružio se: Čet Mar 27, 2008 10:57 am
Postovi: 254
[quote="drbgd"]znaci da digestivni trakt bebe nije predvidjen da vari kravlje mleko. to dalje znaci da supstance koje sam pobrojao (vitamini pre svega C, gvozdje, itd) nisu dostupni bebi u odgovarajucim kolicinama, i ona slabije napreduje.

Steta sto nema istrazivanja. Ja sam video na bebama da ODLICNO, cak, cak sta vise, SAVRSENO napreduju. Popiju flasicu do vrha. I sve usvoje. Raste im sve kako treba. Krvna slika ko u teleta! Naravno, MORAMO jos jednom ponoviti da je to SECOND BEST!!! Top lista je onakva kakvu sam napisao na pocetku. Majcino, pa sveze kozije sa dodacima, pa onda tek ostalo... A nikako fabricke formule za siroke narodne mase!

covek koji ima iole zdravstvene kulture nece ni pomisliti da popije nekuvano mleko (zbog moguceg prisustva bakterija, pre svega tuberkuloze, zatim antraksa, ali i mnogih drugih) a kamoli da ga da bebi i tu prica u zvanicnoj medicini jednostavno prestaje! davanje nekuvanog mleka, npr. u nekom obdanistu bi povlacilo zakonske sankcije i u nasem i u drugim zakonodavstvima sveta. prema tome istrazivanja nema jer je to radnja protiv zdravlja dece.

A kakva je to onda zdravstvena kultura kad tako uci ljude?! Kuku nama. Bolje se odreci takve "kulture". To mi se cini kao LARPURLARIZAM! Eto, takva je to kultura. Za mlacenje para.
Proglasili ste onda nase seljake i pretke za nekulturnike.
A to sto kazete da je u nekoj zemlji zabranjeno sveze mleko, to samo objasnjava nase sumnje! Sve sto je normalno, zabranice zakonom. A sve sto je ludo, proglasice normalnim i naplatice nam debelo. Pa zar to nije sumnjivo?
Ko jos moze d azabrani seljaku da pije sveze mleko??? Ajde nek mi zabrane! Pa cu ici i prosipati mleko po njima. Da se malo opamete. Da ozdrave.

Nije istina da zbog toga nema istrazivanja. To pokusavate da me skinete sa vrata. Koliko se samo vrsi istrazivanja na deci i ljudim sa otrovima i drugim supstancama. A vi sad nasli da poredite sveze mleko sa tim. Svasta.

Recite ko covek, NEMA ISTRAZIVANJA, ili JA NE ZNAM DA LI IMA ISTRAZIVANJA. Mozda ima, mozda nema. Al nemojte da me zamajavate.

- prof. vladeta je jerotic je analiticki psihoterapeut po obrazovanju, preveo je na srpski jezik sledeca frojdova dela:
"iz kulture i umetnosti" (sa grupom kolega, u izdanju matice srpske, 1969.
zatim "autobiografiju" sigmunda frojda, (ista godina i isti izdavac)
kao i "pisma s. frojda verenici" 1975. godine
- medju poslednjim knjigama prof. jerotica nalaze se i 2 koje se upravo i bave implementacijom psihoterapije...

Znaci kad odete u savetovaliste, imacete odlicnog sagovornika! Imate slicna interesovanja pa cete se lepo ispricati. Ja vam preporucujem da se malo druzite sa tim tamo strucnjacima.

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